Friday, October 17, 2014

Yet Another Wrongful Conviction of Black Men

It seems as though if our black men are not being gunned down by law enforcements, the criminal justice system steps in to find other ways to put black men away through wrongful incarceration and execution.  When the lives of innocent people are taken away from them it becomes several steps beyond plain old racism. It seems almost like acceptable behavior. If the repercussions of wrongful convictions by the law (both intentionally and lackadaisically) were more severe then perhaps we may never know of this atrocity, sadly that is rarely the case and in actuality, the opposite happens to be more likely , such as in those numerous instances where criminal justice has been known to be indirectly rewarded subsequent to publicly known cases of miscarriage of justice. 

This week , 45 year old Mr David McCallum, a wrongfully convicted black man was set free after 29 years in prison,  his friend Willie Stuckey, who was also convicted of manslaughter ,but died in 2001 while in prison , was also wrongfully incarcerated.Robert Taylor, Jonathan Barr, James Harden, Shainne Sharp and Robert Veal , all black men,  served more than 70 years for a 1991 rape and murder they did not commit. Raymond Santana, Yusef Salaam, Kharey Wise,  Antron McCray, Kevin Richardson were also tried and wrongfully convicted for the crime of the assault and rape of Trisha Meili and were exonerated as a result of the actual perpetrator's confession. 

One thing that is alarming is the young age of the men when being convicted; most were aged between 14 to 17 years old. At such a young age, it is easier to be coerced into making incriminating statements. Yet statements made by these men (then kids) are often overturned or aggravated, depending on how it would aid the prosecution's case. Alarmingly, this would often happen even in the light of contradicting evidence such as valid alibis and inconclusive (near-zero) DNA test results.

While the rising exoneration of wrongful incarceration is something to be thankful for. Innocent black men are too often imprisoned and sentenced to death. The vast majority of innocent black men will never be exonerated - it's just such a rare thing.  Since 1973, over 140 people have been released from death rows in 26 states because of innocence. Nationally, at least one person is exonerated for every 10 that are executed. The vast majority of innocent black men will never be exonerated - it's just such a rare thing

Thursday, October 2, 2014

7 reasons why two in five black women are worth zero and below

For every dollar a white man earns a black woman earns 68 cents. This is worse than White women (81 cents), Black men (75 cents), Asian men (119 cents) and Asian women (92 cents). While by itself this fact is alarming it still doesn't explain the wealth disparities between black women and other racial-gender groups. For example black women out earn hispanic women (112 cents to the dollar) however, hispanic households have a higher net worth ($7683) than black households($6349). It's a lot more under the surface than just earnings and I'd try my best to summarize the reasons for the frequently discussed 'wealth gap'.

1.) Black women are having too many babies- Not only are black women having more babies than others but more than 60% of these babies live in a single-parent household (usually just with black women) or without parents compared to 27% of white babies. The average child born in 2013 to the age of 18,will cost just over $245000, therefore having more children equals more expenses , having more children without extra financial support equals additional pressure, all that expenses is just terrible for net worth , its a no wonder the median net worth for single black women is said to be just  $5. 

2.) Black women own too little- 51% of the average black person's asset is outside of their primary residence compared to 72% of white. Similarly, black women are 35 percent less likely than whites of similar means to invest in the stock market. In fact for every $1 a black household has in equity a white household has $25. Whether it is investments, real estate or savings account you can trust black women to have the smallest portion across all racial-gender groups. 

3.) Black women are buying everything on credit- Regardless of the fact that blacks continue to carry more debt relative to their household assets than do whites: 34.5% of average assets, versus 14.5% for white households. What's even more disturbing is that blacks are having more than twice the proportion of their entire debt on credit cards in comparison to whites. How about you save some money and leave that Louis Vuitton handbag off your credit card.

4) Black women are religious- There is nothing wrong with being religious, however this does affect your wealth as there are certain traits related to theism, including having a higher altruistic values than others. Black women ,in general, give a much higher percentage of their earnings in church donations, tithes,  helping others than other groups of people.

5) Black women are non-married-  I don't like to think of this as quite significant as a high proportion of  married blacks women (28%) still have a net worth of zero and below . But when you are the 46% of single, divorced and widowed black women with a net worth below zero you begin appreciate the difference a legal significant other could make.

6) Black women are high-spenders- Black people spent $507 billion on hair care and personal grooming items, this is more than nine times the average US customer.  The type of hair black women have doesn't seem to have an effect anyway if there aren't overspending on a weave, they are spending on relaxers and multiple natural hair products. In other departments outside of haircare, such as media, fashion ,etc black women tend to be spending more money and the amount is only going higher up ,over the years, while median net worth is going down.

7) Black women are discriminated- This is not just about jobs, education and opportunities. Surely, the more of those you have (though with varying impact across all groups) chances are the higher your net worth would be ,but if you developed poorer spending habits, take on much more loans and debts, your total wealth would be worse off.

So what do you think ? Are the true reasons a lot more complex than stated ? Are there more issues that should have been touched on e.g. white flight, mortgage discrimination, obesity and other health issues in black women?

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